OUR services for
BFSI industry

Hansa Cequity’s Banking & Financial Services practice is enabling leading banks, mutual funds, insurance companies, non-banking financial institutions and housing finance companies engage with their customers and prospects by using data, analytics, martech and digital marketing.

Our BFSI practice provides end-to-end consulting services, including customer journey mapping, customer experience research, data management, analytics, campaign management, digital marketing, creative services, dash-boarding and more. We work with industry-leading martech providers to set up and service using underlying technology to improve customer value and experience.

Discover our THINKING IN Banking & Financial Services SPACE

The Changing Face
of Banking

How customers, exposed to new brands and their ways of operating and the easy availability of technology are forcing banks to change their approach to business.

Lead Scoring &
Nurturing Model

How by using advanced analytics, a sales and marketing team can tag leads by their propensity to convert, thereby making the organisation more effective.

A Simplified View

Understand the nuances of GRPR and it’s implications to businesses beyond the EU. What firms should do to comply with its norms and by doing so, win customer trust.

The New 4Ps of Data Driven Marketing

Positioning, Platform, Performance measurement and a structured Program. These we believe are the new 4Ps of marketing. Read on to know more.

Customer Segmentation Done Right

Discover the phases of development of customer segmentation, from planning to implementation stage with various illustrations and segmentation matrix.

Test & Control. A Campaign Effectiveness Framework

The shift towards campaign based advertising has seen a spurt and rightfully so, because of its effectiveness over other media in terms of cost effectiveness.