Our Services FOR

Businesses that operate in the travel and hospitality sector are dealing with perishable commodities. Every unsold room is money lost, every flight that takes off with a vacant seat is an opportunity lost for maximizing yield. We offer advanced analytics and best-in-class loyalty and campaign management platforms and marketing solutions to the travel and hospitality businesses.

From using big data to predict demand, to creating a highly granular one-to-one marketing
to drive relevance and engagement, we help these industries to make the most of the
capacities that have been built.

our Thinking. our insights.

Lead Scoring
and Nurture Model

How by using advanced analytics, sales and marketing teams can tag leads by their propensity to convert, thereby making the organisation more effective.

Festive Campaigns
Targeting Best Prospects

The use of analytics to predict the best prospects for a highly targeted festival marketing campaign and how we went about measuring its success.

Leveraging Analytics to
Retain Customers

The first step to staying engaged with customers and reducing churn is by using analytics to understand behaviour and the reasons associated for these behaviours.