White papers

At Hansa Cequity, we spend a lot of time thinking about the future of data-driven customer marketing. Discover the quality of our thinking and start a conversation with us.

How real is AI in the context of marketing and Customer Experience

There is so much hype surrounding Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and their use in Customer Experience but very few people truly understand the difference between the two and fewer know how to put them to use.

How real is AI in the context of marketing and Customer Experience

There is so much hype surrounding Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and their use in Customer Experience but very few people truly understand the difference between the two and fewer know how to put them to use.

Middle In A Muddle

Hansa Cequity’s pan-India study on purchase habits of shoppers found that middle-aged customers find themselves overwhelmed by choice. Across categories, they find too difficult to decide what to buy.

Application, Innovation And Maturity Of Indian Analytics

For businesses these are times of exponential change. Customer connected by smartphones, high-speed mobile networks and social media platforms are forcing them to engage and react in real-time.


One of the major sources of uncertainty about consumer reactions is the way price inflation, both expected and realised, influences consumer decisions about spending. This report tries to explore the effect of actual inflation and inflationary expectations on consumer spending.

Making NPS and CX work in a Rhythm

“CX metric that has risen steeply in popularity since its inception in 2003 is Net Promoter Score (NPS).”

Travel Marketers need to think beyond the Destination

Most of the marketing rupees is spend on acquiring a new customer, it is imperative for organizations to keep happy the acquired customer and turn the customer into a loyalist.

Who Gets Influenced by Influencer Marketing?

As is true with any evolution, it’s easy to rush into investing in Influencer Marketing. But, without a thought through strategy it is most likely to fail. How to set KPIs?

Exit CRM.
Enter CXM

Today marketers are in a mad race to give their customers a superlative ‘experience’ not just manage the ‘relationship’.

Cequity’s CCI – Consumer Consumption Insights

This report summarises the key takeaways on Indian household’s consumption pattern, debt and asset position, usage of plastic cards, brief insights on consumer confidence survey along with our estimates and forecasts and attempts to present readers with changes happening in India’s consumer economy parallel to India’s growth.

Marketing Campaign Attribution

While in the industry, the common usage of Multitouch attribution is attributing to a particular channel, it can also be used for a particular activity in a channel to identify the most effective one.

Beyond Selling: Building True CX In Retail The Omnichannel Way

This whitepaper maps out the retail trends and also some shopping personas that give context to building personalization and omnichannel experience. 

The Value Dilemma: Choosing The Right Martech Stack

Marketing Technology platforms are the buzz words in the marketing world today. In some cases it has been observed that marketing activities have been delegated to MarTech stacks. 

Data-driven Customer Experiences

We live in exciting times where technology has made it possible to get answers to anything we need by simply asking for it, or to getting transportation services at the touch of a button 

The Changing Face of Advertising

“Total digital media ad spending in India is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30% to touch Rs. 12,406 crore. 

Accelerating Business Analytics the CoE Way

Building an analytics centre of excellence (CoE) as a way to develop a vision, strategy, guidance and enablers for the design, build and roll out of an organisational capability.

How traditional FMCG industry is evolving with data

A comprehensive whitepaper that captures the transformation happening in the FMCG industry in the recent times.


The Rise of
Auto Intelligence

Discover how the growing use of telematics and IoT in the auto industry has raised the stakes for manufacturers. Will incumbents get disrupted find? Find out.

New trends in customer loyalty are emerging

The new, multi-layered role of loyalty programs. Improving CX, driving incremental sales, improving products, using data for enhanced customer knowledge.

The Coming Adtech Martech Convergence

Believing that brands can only deliver enhanced CX by having an integrated view of customers and their data over their lifecycle with the firm.

Building a Customer Preference Centre

From a spray and pray model of marketing, to setting up Customer Marketing Preference Centres for personalised one-to-one marketing as the way ahead.

Getting the Analytics
Journey Right

The difference between classic ‘Information Technology’ (IT) and Business Technology’ (BT). While IT takes a technology-centric approach, BT gets customer centric.

CX in Retail.
Done Right.

Delivering exceptional customer journeys that are smooth and seamless by studying touchpoints, user journeys, experiences and brand perception via a customer lens.

Analytics for
Cab Aggregrators

This paper looks at the evolution of the taxi cab services, and how analytics can help improve the engagement with both users and the driver community.

Lead Scoring
and Nurture Model

How by using advanced analytics, sales and marketing teams can tag leads by their propensity to convert, thereby making the organisation more effective.

Improving CX
in the Auto Sector

With fleeting customer relationships, what can OEMs do to keep the new car buyer connected and engaged with dealerships? Discover more in this thought piece.

Capturing the Intent of a Grocery Shopper

Using advanced analytics how can large grocery chains move from centralised assortment planning to acting on customer intent basis a catchment and store location.

CX. The X Factor
of a Brand.

Urging brands to move from inside out thinking and bring in the outside in view by setting up processes to constantly listen and to create dynamic customer journeys.

Digital. Transforming Healthcare Relationships.

Connected patients are using the Internet to become more informed about their health conditions. Can the industry engage with their patients via these very channels?

Doing Customer
Segmentation Right

Uncover the phases of development of customer segmentation, from planning to implementation with various illustrations and a segmentation matrix.

in the Age of Digital

A thought piece on how brands can engage with customers in the age of social media. How new practices and processes can be evolved to study people and their behaviour.

Building & Managing a Retail Calendar

Understanding retail from like for like, year on year cycles. Using analytics and data to build a calendar for benchmarking and managing a complex retail operation.

Engaging the New Age Auto Customer

How automotive companies can build systems of engagement through the customer lifetime journey. From search to purchase to usage and repurchase.

Festive Campaigns Targeting Best Prospects

This paper discusses the use of analytics to predict the best prospects for a highly targeted festival marketing campaign and how we went about measuring its success.

A Simplified View.

Understand the nuances of GRPR and it’s implications to businesses beyond the EU. What firms should do to comply with its norms and by doing so, win customer trust.

Journey into
Email Marketing

Open rates, click rates, response rates. What works? Discover the levers that needs to be considered for the success of truly effective email marketing campaigns. 

Leveraging Analytics to
Retain Customers

The first step to staying engaged with customers and reducing churn is by using analytics to understand behaviour and the reasons associated for these behaviours.

Understanding Location Intelligence

How firms can use location as the key to unlock the impact of their marketing, and drive business value.  By visualising, analysing and forecasting trends

Customer Loyalty

Showing how, brands need to move from a sell mode to an engagement mode in the age of the customer to drive positive business outcomes.

The Bleeding Vein in the Mortgage Business

Over a fourth of all customers who take a loan customers attrite during their tenure with their mortgager.  How analytics can help identify those with the highest risk.

State of Customer
Experience in India

The Hansa Cequity customer strategy team worked with researchers to speak to over 2000 Indians and study the state of CX across eight Industry verticals.

The Changing Face
of Banking

How customers, exposed to new brands and their ways of operating and the easy availability of technology are forcing banks to change their approach to business.